Review: Tip of the Tongue by Patrick Ness

Tip of the Tongue is the fifth in a year long series of eBooks released by Puffin in 2013 as a part of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who celebrations. Each story was to feature a different incarnation of the Doctor, written by a different and well-established author of books for children and young adults. And despite catching this one rather late, I have to admit, this and the other stories prove to be one hell of a nostalgia trip for an old Whovian like myself. Consequently, I have decided to feature them all on my blog. 

The Doctor: The Fifth Doctor

The Companion: Nyssa

The Author: Patrick Ness, author of the Chaos Walking Trilogy

My Reivew: Tip of the Tonuge takes us to the United States during World War 2 where the local kids have discovered a new fad. Truth Tellers are a small product that, when placed on one's mouth, will begin to tell a series of harsh home truths about the people surrounding them. Unsurprisingly, a group of rich and spoiled mean girls are using them to their advantage. But the real heros of the story are teenage Johnny and Marisa, a pair of outcasts that help the Doctor and Nyssa to discover the real source of the truth tellers--a race who, much like mean girls, like to create negative energy and feed from it. This one is a short but truly entertaining tale.


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