Review: A Big Hand for the Doctor by Eion Colfer

A Big Hand for the Doctor was the first in a year long series of eBooks released by Puffin in 2013 as a part of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who celebrations. Each story was to feature a different incarnation of the Doctor, written by a different and well-established author of books for children and young adults. And despite catching this one rather late, I have to admit, this and the other stories prove to be one hell of a nostalgia trip for an old Whovian like myself. Consequently, I have decided to feature them all on here, every Sunday over the space of the next few weeks.
The First Doctor.
I just could not resist
adding a picture.

The Doctor: The First Doctor 

Doctors Companion: Who else, but his granddaughter, Susan Foreman.

The Author: Eoin Colfer, Irish born author of the Artemis Fowl series, as well as the sixth instalment of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series.

My Verdict: As this is the first book (well, more like a short story,) in the series, it is fitting that it features the first Doctor and granddaughter, Susan, as his companion. It is set in the time just prior to An Unearthly Child and shares with us an adventure that took place on earth in the early 1900s. In this adventure, The Doctor is waiting for a replacement hand as his own has been cut off after an adventure with a Space Pirate. His alien hand dealer offers him the use of a temporary hand which, unsurprisingly, ends up being rather useful after Susan is kidnapped, along with some other inhabitants of earth. 

One of the great things about Doctor Who in my opinion, and is as true of the books as the television series, is that it always manages to be entertaining and many of the flaws feel endearing, rather than feeling like annoying plot holes. Colfer's version of the first Doctor does not feel entirely in character, but nor does he seem out of place within the context of the story. 

A lot of fun for fans, old and new.


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