Book Signing Collins Booksellers Edwardstown

Exciting news! Guess who will be appearing at Collins Booksellers Edwardstown on Friday 22 February to sign copies of her book?

Mark this date and place in your diary, Adelaide, folks:

Friday 22 February, 1pm
Collins Booksellers Edwardstown
Shop T54 Castle Plaza Shopping Centre, 
Edwardstown SA 5039

Because I'll be there signing copies of my absolutely awesome novel Being Abigail.

Seriously, I feel very honoured to have this opportunity to promote my work and even more so that the signing is taking place at one of my favourite bookstores. For those of you who don't know, I worked in the Castle Plaza Shopping Centre for almost four years--and used to visit the bookstore at least two or three times a week, either on my lunch break or after work. There were always some pretty awesome books to be found inside the store and they've hosted some very exciting author events as well. I never thought that I would be lucky enough to be one of those authors though.

So if you're in the area, please stop by and say hello. I'll look forward to seeing you.


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